Pool Remodeling in Scottsdale, AZ | We Fix Ugly Pools
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Bring Your Pool to Life

Tired of your old pool? Feeling like it needs to be restored to its formal glory? Remodeling or restoring your pool is something all homeowners do because they want to add value and give whoever your company is an outlet to have fun. A ‘makeover’ could be one of the best financial moves you could make. We are known for turning the ugliest pools into magnificent ones and even make yours as big as you can dream!


Speak with a swimming pool expert today!

About our Pool Remodeling in Scottsdale, AZ

Most people remodel because the pool is old and broken. Others remodel their pools to fix little problems or install new features. Or maybe it’s just time to update the style to keep it fresh.

Whatever reason you have for a swiming pool remodel you can count on We Fix Ugly Pools to do the job right. 

Fountains and waterfalls may be used to accent your lovely pool. Lights may be used to help waterfall and fountains shine even more. With the right design you might even be the owner of not just a pool anymore, but a home spa or water park.

New Look after Pool Remodeling in Scottsdale

Pool Restoration

We restore older pools and bring them back to new conditions. The standard procedure of pool remodeling in Scottsdale, AZ involves several services. Some of which include:

  • Resurfacing
  • Cleaning
  • Replacing tiles
  • Repairing equipment

Depending on if you have fiberglass or concrete, swimming pool remodels in Scottdale, AZ can require education in various fields. That is why it is important hiring a professional swimming pool company.

We Fix Ugly Pools has various skills as well as, a network of recommendations that can be used when it comes to repairs outside of pool remodeling in Scottsdale, AZ.

Restoration will keep all the design elements the same and is the most efficient process to enjoy your pool again and for years to come.

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We Fix Ugly Pools®
Show Room / Construction Office:

1924 West Greenway Rd
Phoenix, Arizona 85023
Phone: 602-253-4499
Fax: 888-661-3910